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School Council

School Council Meeting Dates 2024-2025

*all meetings will be held at TMS in the Conference Room (unless otherwise determined) at 7:30am*

 September 25, 2024

December 11, 2024

February 29, 2025

April 23, 2025


School Council Members

Kathie Monti

Lesia Griffin

Kari Barbour

John Carter

Matt Larkins

Aletia Martin

Caroline Masak

James Rodgers

Kat Deal

Darold Foote’



Purpose of the School Council

The General Assembly of Georgia created councils to “bring communities and schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation to solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision-making process.”

School Councils shall provide advice, recommendations, and assistance and represent the community of parents and business.

Council Membership

  • Members of the School Council will serve for a term of two years.
  • The council will have a minimum of seven members.
  • A parent member must serve as the chair.

School Council Accountability & Scope

The council is accountable to the constituents they serve and shall:

  • Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues
  • Participate in council meetings
  • Participate in information and training programs
  • Act as a link between the school council and the community
  • Encourage the participation of parents and others within the school community
  • Work to improve student achievement
  • Provide advice and recommendations to the school principal and local board of education